4 Tips for Keeping Your Vibes High in Winter

Let’s face it—winter can be tough. The shorter days, colder weather, and long stretches of gray skies can leave us feeling low on energy, motivation, and joy. For many, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) adds an extra layer of challenge, bringing on feelings of sadness, lethargy, and even anxiety.

On those days when I’m feeling the winter blues creeping in, I love cozying up with a glass of wine, a piece (or two) of my favorite dark chocolate, and my comfiest slippers. But as comforting as those little indulgences are, there are so many other ways to boost your mood and keep your vibes high all winter long - winter doesn’t have to dim your light. With a little intention and some simple practices, you can keep your vibes high and stay connected to a sense of warmth and vitality, even during the darkest months.

Here’s a few practices that I've been doing to shift my vibes when the winter blues set in:

1. Sound and Vibration to the Rescue

You know this one’s close to my heart! Sound and vibration are incredible tools for realigning your energy. Whether it’s humming, chanting, or tuning in to your favorite song, sound can lift your spirits in no time. Try setting aside just five minutes a day to create or listen to a sound that resonates with how you want to feel—joyful, calm, or even cozy. Vocal toning or sounding is one of the most effective, easiest and natural forms of sound therapy. The powerful internal vibrations generated by your voice stimulate your body's natural healing processes and regulate your mood. If you have my online course or YouTube videos bookmarked, now’s the time to revisit them! Winter is perfect for diving deeper into practices to reset your inner balance.

2. Let the Light In

One of the hardest parts of winter is the lack of natural light. If possible, spend some time outdoors during the brightest part of the day—even if it’s just a quick walk around the block. If that’s not an option, consider investing in a light therapy lamp. The one I use is by Verilux, called Happy Light. These lamps simulate sunlight and can work wonders for improving your mood and energy levels.

3. Thump the Thymus!

When I’m in the shower, I thump my chest lightly right on the sternum. Thumping or tapping your thymus gland stimulates your immune system, giving it a boost. The word thymus comes from the Greek word "thymos" which means "life energy." When life is out of sorts and daily stress rises, like it has been for several years, our thymus gland can become depleted of this vital life energy. T-lymphocytes also known as “killer cells” are produced in our thymus through puberty. Thumping the thymus can help keep your own life energy pumping and vibrating at a high frequency. It can also help to release fear or anxiety.

4. Move Your Body, Shift Your Energy

It’s easy to want to hibernate when it’s cold outside, but gentle movement is one of the best ways to keep your energy flowing. This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym (unless you’re into that!). I’ve been following along with this YouTube creator for Tai Chi exercises.

I personally love pairing movement with sound—even something simple like swaying to soothing music while you are releasing your breath on an audible sigh. Movement, paired with intentional breath, has a magical way of clearing out stagnant energy.

Winter is an invitation to get creative with how you care for yourself. Whether it’s through sound, movement, connection, or stillness, there are endless ways to nurture your spirit and stay aligned and balanced. Whatever you decide to do, your body responds best with a consistent practice, and an attitude of fun!

I’d love to hear your favorite ways to keep your vibes high during the colder months—feel free to share in the comments or in my Radical Self Care Facebook group.

Here’s to a season of warmth, light, and vibrant energy!


Radical Self-Care with Sound, Voice & Vibration: Reclaiming Your Power


7 Self Care Practices for the Winter Solstice